
My First Fraxel Treatment Experience

I had my first Fraxel laser treatment at The Skin Girls about 3 weeks ago. A lot of you had questions about what this treatment was, if it hurt, and the recovery time. My main goal was to get rid of my sun spots and pigmentation. I had been reading about Fraxel for a while and finally decided to jump the gun and try it! I knew The Skin Girls offered the treatment and since they’ve taken care of my skin for so many years, I was confident I would be happy with the results.

What is Fraxel? It’s a treatment that helps you reveal your best skin with Fractional (aka Fraxel). Most people choose this option to treat acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, uneven texture, enlarged pores, and pigmentation. The treatment is done using a handheld laser by your technician.

The Treatment: My treatment was just under an hour and my technician Alexa walked me through exactly what to expect. I would recommend not to skip the topical numbing cream which is applied before the treatment. It’s totally necessary unless you have a super high pain tolerance. Alexa started on my forehead and…. not going to lie. It hurt. The pain wasn’t so sharp that it was unbearable, but it was more intense than I expected. As she moved to other parts of my face like my cheeks, the pain was more manageable. Overall, I was comfortable during the treatment – see below for a photo of my face right after the treatment.

Downtime: Right after the treatment, I was really red and it felt like my face was sunburnt. My skin felt rough (similar to a sandpaper texture), but the redness and the rough texture subsided after the next 2-3 days as my skin shed. I was told to avoid products with active ingredients (retinol, vitamin C, glycolic) and use simple formulas such as Cetaphil or Avene to keep my skin moisturized. I didn’t work out for the first 48 hours (to avoid sweating), but after about a week and a half, I was able to go back to my regular skincare and makeup routine.

Results: This was my first treatment and it hasn’t been a full month yet, so I can’t say I’ve seen drastic results in my skin yet. That said, I have noticed that my skin texture had improved and some dark spots have lightened. They say results can take up to 6 months, so I’ll keep you all posted on how my skin looks further down the line! Ideally 2-3 sessions are recommend, with a month in between treatments, so I’ll be going back soon and keep you all posted on my results after the second treatment!

Cost: The average cost of a Fraxel treatment is $800+, but at The Skin Girls you can get it for $599! I would say this is well worth it because you don’t need a lot of treatments and the results are long term!

I hope this helps you understand the treatment more and decide if it’s right for you! Personally, I think this treatment is suitable for everyone who just wants better skin overall 😉 Feel free to ask me any additional questions in the comments!

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