TheFloraLaw – a blog by Flora Law

Fraxel Laser Treatment: All About the Downtime

It’s officially been 8 weeks since my first Fraxel Laser Treatment and about 4 weeks since my second treatment at The Skin Girls! If you’ve read my blog post about my first Fraxel Laser Treatment, you’ll know all about the treatment from start to finish and what skin concerns I was trying to target. Today I want to share all about the downtime and my routine with skincare and makeup during that time, specifically what type of products I used because it’s critical that you take care of your skin properly during this period.

Photo via @theskingirls on Instagram

It’s recommended that only the most gentle products be used in your skincare routine after the treatment. After all, you did just have a laser to your face! Your skin will be quite red afterwards (it’ll feel like a sunburn) and face slightly swollen. It’s not necessary to use any fancy serums or creams during this period, definitely do not use anything with active ingredients! I kept skincare routine super simple with only a gentle cleanser and moisturizing cream. For makeup, I kept it to a minimal and stuck with a tinted mineral SPF. Here are my product recommendations!

Photo via @honest_beauty on Instagram

For my cleanser, I used Honest Beauty’s Gentle Gel Cleanser. I love that the brand is clean, organic, and natural so I knew my skin would be in good hands. This cleanser’s soothing botanical blend of chamomile will keep your skin calm and cleanse without over drying your skin. Keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized is super important during the downtime after Fraxel, which is why I love this cleanser.

I skipped every other step of my routine during the downtime including my serum and eye cream. I replaced everything wth just one product, the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. I love a good drugstore find and this gem is truly amazing for the price! It has hyaluronic acid and ceramides which will help your skin stay moisturized. I applied this religiously during the downtime countless times a day. Whenever my skin felt dry, a dollop of this made my face feel much better.

Photo by @ymorbeauty via @cerave_canada on Instagram

For makeup, I kept this to a minimal for my skin during the downtime. I didn’t want to irritate it and decided the less I do, the better. I focussed on my brows, lashes, and lips only for makeup, but on my face I only used mineral makeup with an SPF. My go-to was the Colorescience Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen, this is a brush on powder SPF with a slight tint. I liked that it had a bit of coverage and that I was protecting my skin at the same time. I totally recommend this product on the day to day as well, the brush makes reapplying SPF so easy. Remember to reapply every 2 hours!

Photo via @colorescience on Instagram

After this second Fraxel Laser Treatment, I’ve been really happy with my results! Laser treatments are still quite new for me but definitely becoming one of my favourite treatments and something I’m going to keep doing. I would recommend Fraxel to anyone who wants to rejuvenate their skin!

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